Saturday, March 28, 2009


Emma had her first soccer game of the spring. It felt like spring yesterday when it was 70 outside, but this morning at 10 am it was 40, but it felt like 32. We bundled up and Emma headed out to the soccer field.  Apparently, after we left the house, we got an e-mail telling us all 10 am games were cancelled.  So, we substituted on a different team (who also didn't realize the 10 am games were cancelled) and played some soccer.  Emma had fun and did really well.  We were very proud of her!  Thanks to the Solars for letting Emma play and being the 'red' team instead of the Solars today!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break 2009

On Monday, we went to Going Bonkers with the Mabus Family.




On Tuesday, we went to the Dallas Arboretum to check out the Storybook Playhouses and to get Emma's face painted.

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On Friday, we went to Fort Worth to see the cattle drive in the Stockyards.


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Monday, March 09, 2009

Saturday, March 07, 2009

4th Birthday Party

We had the party at ASI Gymnastics and had a blast!  Stacy made 22 tutu's for the girls and Laurie and Stacy made 12 capes for the boys.  Here's some videos of the days activities.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Emma at the Fort Worth Zoo

Emma, Stacy and Wendy went to the Ft. Worth Zoo.  Here are Wendy's pictures from the day.

Emma at Ft. Worth Zoo - Copy