Saturday, December 31, 2005

Emma's Crawling!!!

Take a look at the below video to see Emma crawling. It's a pretty long video...
Emma crawling...

Monday, December 26, 2005

Emma's first toboggan ride!

Here'a video of Emma and Stacy riding down the toboggan down the hill at Becker Bay...
A fun surprise ending...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

9 Month Checkup

Although it is a few days early Emma had her 9 month checkup today. She received 1 shot and everything else looked fine.

Weight 21lbs 4ozs 86% percentile
Height 28.5inches 79% percentile
Head 44cm 50% percentile

The doctor is not concerned with her weight or height. We have a healthy girl. We need to start giving her more finger food on the table. I am not looking forward to that mess, but Max is. Max already is right by Emma's side when she is in her high chair.

We don't go back until her 1st BD.