Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Flu Shot Round 2

Emma had her follow up to the first flu shot today. She weighed in at 20 lbs. 9 oz. so it looks like her growth is slowing down a bit.
She is also teething right now. There were some aspects of the teething that we were not prepared for (the diarrhea), but hope that the first tooth will pop out pretty soon.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Nana and Pappy Come down...

Nana and Pappy (Mike's parents) came down for the weekend. Take a look at these 2 videos:
Emma in her Activity Center (Narrated by Nana)
Emma in her Bouncer (Narrated by Pappy)
And it looks like someone got into Daddy's beer (just a joke, CPS)... A true Packer's fan...